This room is the first part in the Linux Fundamental rooms designed to teach you about various Linux concepts, and in-built tools. This room covers the following topics:
- Introduction To Linux
- Executing Commands and Man Pages
- Basic File Operators
To access the room you can click here:
Task 1 - Intro
No answer needed.
Task 2 - Methodology
No answer needed.
Task 3 - [Section 2: Running Commands] - Basic Command Execution
No answer needed.
Task 4 - [Section 2: Running Commands] - Manual Pages and Flags
How would you output hello without a newline
ANSWER: echo -n hello
Task 5 - [Section 3: Basic File Operations] - ls
What flag outputs all entries
What flag outputs things in a “long list” format
Task 6 - [Section 3: Basic File Operations] - cat
What flag numbers all output lines?
Task 7 - [Section 3: Basic File Operations] - touch
No answer needed.
Task 8 - [Section 3: Basic File Operations] - Running A Binary
How would you run a binary called hello using the directory shortcut . ?
ANSWER: ./hello
How would you run a binary called hello in your home directory using the shortcut ~ ?
ANSWER: ~/hello
How would you run a binary called hello in the previous directory using the shortcut .. ?
ANSWER: ../hello
Task 9 - Binary - Shiba1
You have to create a file called noot.txt. To do this execute the touch command. After creating a file, execute the binary called shiba1.
What’s the password for shiba2?
ANSWER: pinguftw
Task 10 - su
How do you specify which shell is used when you login?
Task 11 - Linux Fundamentals 2
No answer needed.